Preventive Dentistry – DuPont, WA
Preventive Services for Patients of All Ages

Whether our patient is a child, an adult or a centennial, preventive treatment is always the important foundation of our dental care approach here at DuPont Family Dentistry. Our doctors and staff members want to help you both achieve and maintain your healthiest, happiest smile over the years, and we can do so with in-depth checkups, refreshing cleanings and other valuable treatment options. We look forward to meeting you and your entire family here in DuPont, WA. Please do not hesitate to contact us today to schedule your first appointment for preventive dentistry in our DuPont, WA dental office or if you have any questions about our available services.
Why Choose DuPont Family Dentistry for Preventive Dentistry?
- One-Stop Family Dental Care
- Fully Personalized Nightguards
- State-of-the-Art Technology
Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

It is generally recommended that children and adults alike have at least one checkup and cleaning every six months. There are circumstances where our doctors are likely to recommend more frequent appointments, such as if a patient is experiencing periodontal disease or excessive oversensitivity to tooth decay. Our goal is to fully understand your smile’s current health needs during these visits, which is why our doctors will inspect each tooth, your gums, your jaw, your resting bite, any current restorations and review your medical history. We will also use digital X-rays to clearly locate and identify any concerns that are not immediately visible. After these processes are complete, we can start planning treatment with your input on desires.
We strongly recommend that patients also undergo a cleaning during their routine appointments that will remove decay-causing plaque and hardened tartar from the teeth and gums. By eliminating these harmful products at regular intervals, we can help you maintain a stronger, healthier smile overall.
Learn More About Dental Checkups & Cleanings
Nightguards for Bruxism

Bruxism/teeth grinding is a very common health problem that affects many children and adults alike. Untreated cases can result in gradual dental damage, painful headaches, chronic jaw discomfort and other frustrating symptoms. That is why our doctors want to treat the problem as soon as possible in its development and a personalized oral appliance can often be the right solution. All the patient needs to do is wear the appliance while sleeping and it should protect teeth from damaging contact and create a more comfortable resting position for the jaw.
Learn More About Nightguards for Bruxism
Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a valuable mineral that can be found in many foods and natural water sources. In fact, most communities across the United States have chosen to introduce fluoride to their water supplies. This is because research has shown over the years that regularly drinking fluoridated water can result in stronger, healthier teeth that suffer fewer instances of decay. During your family’s routine checkups, our team members can provide professional fluoride treatment if we determine that you could benefit from additional treatment.
Learn More About Fluoride Treatments
Oral Cancer Screenings

We consider oral cancer screenings to be a vital part of every routine checkup for the sake of our patients’ ongoing health and quality of life. During this process, one of our doctors will carefully review your mouth, tongue, gum tissue, lips, neck, and overall face for any suspicious indications of possible cancerous lesions. The earlier oral cancer is identified, the greater chances are that you will be able to make a full recovery from the condition.
Learn More About Oral Cancer Screenings
Family Dentistry

As a family dental office, DuPont Family Dentistry offers many different services suitable for a variety of age groups. For younger patients, we do all we can to teach them the best oral health habits and protect them from cavities or other oral health issues that might disrupt their dental development. And since we can see every member of the family, you can schedule everyone’s appointments for the same day and save yourself a lot of time and trouble.