BlueCross BlueShield Dentist – DuPont, WA
Take Care of Your Smile with the BlueCross BlueShield Dentist in DuPont

Our dentists and staff members at DuPont Family Dentistry always work hard to provide the best customer service in addition to our outstanding dental care. With this in mind, we are an in-network provider with several dental insurance carriers including BlueCross BlueShield.
BlueCross BlueShield in DuPont offers coverage for most preventive services, including dental examinations and cleanings twice each year for every member of your family. Coverage for more complex services, such as tooth-colored fillings, extractions, root canals and dental crowns, may also be available. If you have purchased dental insurance through your employer, then additional dental coverage options may be available to you through your group plan.
In-Network Dentist in DuPont

What does it mean to be an in-network BlueCross BlueShield dental provider in DuPont? The term simply refers to a dentist that has a contract with BlueCross BlueShield to accept a predetermined fee for covered services. Once you have met your annual insurance deductible, all you have to pay is the coinsurance fee for your particular service. You cannot be charged anything more.
The Fundamentals of Dental Insurance

Dental insurance is somewhat different than medical insurance. This is because the two fields operate differently. Medicine tends to be reactionary while dentistry is proactive.
For instance, if your child comes down with a fever and earache, you might take her to your pediatrician. Upon seeing an inner ear infection, the doctor would prescribe an antibiotic and your daughter will be feeling better soon. As a parent, you do what you can to ensure your children stay healthy.
On the other hand, your dentist in DuPont ascribes to the principle of preventing dental problems. That is why we encourage patients to schedule regular dental checkups at least every six months. Your BlueCross BlueShield dental insurance is set up to support this system.
By limiting the number of benefits and setting an annual expiration, dental insurance companies encourage patrons to maintain preventive dental care. In other words, you will lose the monetary value of benefits if those benefits are not used up by the end of a calendar year.
Therefore, your dentist in DuPont knows that it is in the best interest of your smile and your wallet to see him or her at least twice every year for essential preventive care.
At DuPont Family Dentistry, we offer a comprehensive list of dental care services for you and your entire family. Everyone can have the healthy and beautiful smile they deserve, and many of these services should be at least partially covered by insurance. They include: