Taking care of yourself sometimes necessitates spending money, so knowing whether or not you are getting a good return on your investment is important. If you have missing teeth, then dental implants are well worth the money. Dental implants in DuPont not only replace your missing teeth, they also help you avoid a number of other oral and even general health problems. Therefore, implants are worth every penny!
(more…)Is the Cost of Dental Implants in DuPont Worth It?
December 8, 2018
How Dental Implants in DuPont Stop the Effects of Tooth Loss
November 13, 2018
If you have been dealing with tooth loss, then you must realize that the consequences are more than what meets the eye. You may think that one or two missing teeth are not so bad. In truth, however, the risks to your oral and general health increase with each passing day. Fortunately, dental implants in DuPont can restore your smile and prevent other problems, too. Read on to learn more about the consequences of tooth loss and why dental implants are ideal for replacement.
(more…)See a Dentist in DuPont to Use Your Insurance Benefits
October 21, 2018
Halloween is upon us, which means you have about two months to use up your dental insurance benefits. Don’t let benefits run out! Check with your insurer or your dentist in DuPont to see if you have any remaining benefits. If you do, then schedule an appointment today so you can begin or complete the dental care you need to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.
Choosing The Best Teeth Whitener
January 6, 2017
We all want that amazing movie star smile but such white teeth do not come by easily. Choosing the best method to whiten your teeth is dependent on a myriad of factors. It is up to the individual to determine how they want to cleanse their teeth dependent on the following factors:
Tooth Anatomy – Know the parts of your tooth
December 30, 2016
The tooth is one of the strongest and most valuable parts of the human body. It is made up of several parts, all of which play a significant role in the health and function of the teeth. Knowledge of the basic anatomy of the tooth makes us understand how they are built, what purpose they serve, helping us to take oral hygiene more seriously. Each tooth is made of two major parts, including the crown and root.
Patient’s Guide to Cavities
December 15, 2016
The mouth naturally contains various elements including saliva, plaque, calculus and many types of bacteria. Some bacteria are beneficial as they help control the destructive bacteria. Other strains like Streptococcus mutan contribute to tooth decay by consuming simple sugars and converting them into an acidic plague. Dental plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth soon after eating or drinking sugary substances.
When plaque sticks to the teeth, the acid produced progressively attacks the minerals in your teeth in a process called demineralization. If you neglect to brush and floss as often as you should, plaque keeps growing and becomes hard and difficult to remove, forming a gateway for the formation of cavities. As more sugars are consumed, the acids produced continue to eat their way into the enamel to the inside part of the tooth leading to tooth decay.
Mouthwash Guide for Oral Hygiene
November 9, 2016
Most people turn to mouthwash whenever their breath requires a boost, it’s useful and convenient. Some use it to eliminate germs, some for medicinal purposes, while others simply for whitening teeth, or most commonly refreshing their breath. However, with numerous types of mouthwash available in the market today, there has been misunderstanding and confusion of whether to use the product or not. It’s important to note that while daily brushing and flossing are needed for the daily oral routine, adding mouthwash to the routine can be a big plus.
November 1, 2016
Tooth decay may be the primary cause of toothaches. However, there are other causes of aches that may be found by thorough oral examination. For instance, an infection such as gum disease may be the cause of toothaches. This article will examine some common causes of toothaches.
Signs You Need to See Your Dentist
July 29, 2016
Many people are understandably reluctant to see the dentist. Dental visits can be expensive even to the people who have health insurance, and dental visits can be uncomfortable even for the people who see skilled dentists. However, going to the dentist on a regular basis can help people prevent a wide range of different health problems in the short-term and the long-term. The warning signs that people might be able to spot could stop them from developing truly serious and expensive problems down the line.
Choosing the Right Type of Toothpaste for your Teeth
June 16, 2016
Why Is It So Important to Choose the Right Type of Toothpaste?
Most toothpastes will have some ingredients in common. For example, most toothpastes will have some sort of mild abrasive such as calcium carbonate, phosphate salts, and silicates as way of scrubbing away the bits and pieces clinging to the surface of the teeth without actually doing damage to the underlying material. However, it is important to note that different toothpastes will have some differences as well, meaning that they do different things better than the rest. As a result, if you want the best results for your teeth when you brush them, you want to make sure that you have chosen the right type of toothpaste for you.