Why Are You Unable to Rest? 5 Causes of Sleep Apnea

February 20, 2020

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — devotedfamily @ 7:03 pm
a woman lying in bed with her hands over her face and an alarm clock reading 3:41 a.m.

Have you put on a bit of weight this past year? Do you find yourself enjoying maybe one too many glasses of wine before bed? Are you suffering from sinus problems more often than before? So, why are you unable to rest? You might consider how you would answer the questions listed above. If you said “yes,” you have just identified a few of the reasons why you are not resting. Read on to learn more about the causes of sleep apnea and what changes you can make to begin sleeping through the night.


Can You Inherit Sleep Apnea?

January 5, 2020

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — devotedfamily @ 4:54 pm
a man asleep with a woman putting her hands over her ears

The morning headaches, chronic fatigue, and sudden gasping for air in the middle of the night are officially taking their toll on your mind and body. Your inability to achieve adequate rest is affecting your work and relationships, but why? You suspect it might be sleep apnea, but what could be causing it? Identifying the root cause of your situation is not always easy and, in fact, it may not always be your fault either. If you are wondering, “Is sleep apnea genetic?” let a dental professional explain how this is possible and what can be done to help you get the rest you need.


Pass the Turkey: Find Out How Thanksgiving Can Impact Your Child’s Teeth

November 19, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — devotedfamily @ 5:56 pm
a young girl smiling at the Thanksgiving table

Thanksgiving is a holiday most families look forward to each year. With everything from turkey to dressing to cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, everyone from the oldest to the youngest can get excited about the yearly feast. But what kind of effect does it have on your little one’s teeth? Let a children’s dentist in DuPont explain how certain foods can impact their oral health.


Discover the Many Benefits of CBD Oil and How It Can Improve Your Oral Health

November 10, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — devotedfamily @ 5:51 pm
a small bottle of CBD oil

Each year, millions of Americans discovered they are suffering from gum disease. While the symptoms may vary among each person, inflamed gums are a clear indicator that something is not right. With so many treatment options available, one that is becoming increasingly popular is the use of CBD oils. To find out more about the connection between CBD oils and your oral health, find out how this unique substance can help you combat gum disease.


Teething Baby? Learn Which Remedies Work and Which Ones to Avoid

October 19, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 4:18 pm
a woman holding up her baby and kissing it on the cheek

When babies are born, they have all 20 primary teeth laying beneath the gum line. While you might be enjoying their precious, gummy smile, before you know it, their pearly whites will begin to erupt somewhere between 6-12 months of age. When this happens, you might find that your baby is much more irritable. After all, who enjoys the feeling of teeth pushing through soft tissue? In order to help your child through this normal occurrence, find out which infant teething remedies work and which ones you should avoid.


Is Your Child at Risk for Gum Disease?

October 9, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 3:47 pm
a little girl sitting in the dentist’s chair

While you might think adults are the only individuals who can develop periodontal disease (gum disease), you will be surprised to learn that is not the case. The answer to the question, “Can children be at risk for developing periodontal disease,” is an absolute “yes,” but fortunately, dentists offer a safe and effective solution that can help your child avoid this damaging infection. Read on to find out what your local dentist has to say about children’s gum health and ways to combat gum disease.


Gum Disease and Cancer: Find Out How the Two Are Linked in Older Women

September 8, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 7:17 pm
an older woman smiling

Gum disease in DuPont is, by far, one of the most common oral health problems seen by dentists all over the world. Many of its symptoms go undetected or avoided for years, causing people to experience issues with their teeth, bone, gums, and overall health. With the mouth and body so closely interconnected, it is no surprise that when problems arise in one area, issues in the other will soon follow. Unfortunately, a new study links gum disease to cancer in older women in DuPont. Find out what the research says and why women are the primary target.


When Is A Dental Crown Needed in DuPont? Let Your Dentist Explain

July 2, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 7:44 pm
a dental crown

If damage or decay has you seeking the expertise of a dental professional, you are not alone. People have been turning to dentists for decades in the hopes that their teeth will be restored after years of poor oral hygiene or a sudden injury or accident. Thankfully, dental crowns have proven to be one of the most effective methods of restorative treatment. But surprisingly, these prosthetics are useful in other ways, too. If you are asking the question, “When is a dental crown needed in DuPont,” let your dentist explain.


If You Have Sleep Apnea in DuPont, Here Are 8 Ways to Get Rest

June 16, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 7:04 pm
a woman looking very tired with a pillow over her head

It is summer, and who does not want to spend the weekends sleeping in and enjoying time just lounging in bed? Unfortunately, for some people, sleeping in is a foreign concept, especially if you wake up each morning feeling as if you did not sleep at all the night before. Why is this happening? It may be that you are suffering from sleep apnea in DuPont. This common sleep disorder affects millions of Americans, and oftentimes, many of the symptoms associated with it go undiagnosed for years. The good news is that you do not have to go one more day without restful sleep. Modern advancements in dentistry and sleep medicine have made it possible to offer patients various solutions to start getting the sleep they need.


Find Out How Your Pregnancy and Oral Health in DuPont Are Connected

June 5, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 5:43 pm
a pregnant woman

Whether you just learned you are pregnant with your bundle of joy or you have been planning for their arrival for months now, you are well aware of the changes your body is going through during this time. From ankle swelling to indigestion, it is no wonder by the time nine months is up, you are ready for your little one to arrive. But it is not just your body that undergoes change, so do your teeth and gums. If you never realized how connected your pregnancy and oral health in DuPont really are, let us explain.

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