Tooth Decay Weighs Heavily on Your Diet

February 18, 2016

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 3:53 pm



The saying: “you are what you eat” is greatly associated with the health of your teeth. In order to truly fight tooth decay it is important to brush and floss your teeth daily and get semi-annual office cleanings and checkups.  In addition to all of these things, you also need to watch what you’re eating.  Yes, your diet has a lot to do with your teeth!

The foods you eat may be harming your teeth in ways that you wouldn’t even imagine. Check out the following most common foods that could be harmful to your teeth:

Mercury Fillings Could Pose Major Health Problems

February 9, 2016

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 9:13 pm

white-fillings (1)

For many, going to the dentist is not an exciting event.  Who really wants someone to suck up their saliva while drilling, picking, and filling their teeth?!  (more…)

Ten Fun Facts About Your Teeth!

September 29, 2015

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 8:27 pm

Keeping your teeth healthy may seem like a chore although it is very important to your health. We here at Devoted Family Dental make caring for your teeth fun! Here is a list of fun facts about your teeth. (more…)

Top 10 Tips To Avoid Dental Injuries

August 31, 2015

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 3:25 pm


Regardless of the profession you are in, dental and mouth injuries are all too common. These injuries can affect the front teeth, as well as soft tissues, tongue, lips, or even inner cheeks. These injuries can be extremely painful, costly, and in worse case scenarios, permanent! Athletes are prime candidates; they have a 33 to 56 percent chance of obtaining an orofacial injury during their athletic career. Meaning, sooner or later, you are more than likely to end up being a victim of such an injury if you do not take extra precautions!

This can be achieved by wearing protective mouth gear! This will save you time, pain, money, and most importantly, prevent permeant damage. It is quite common for dental injuries to occur in sports. Dentists predict that around 13% to 39% of dental injuries happen while playing sports, and 80 percent of the time, they cause injuries to at least one of the front teeth. Taking this into account, we have listed the top 10 tips to help you avoid dental injuries.

  1. Mouth guards: Make sure to wear mouth guards while taking part in sports or athletic activities. Wearing mouth guards is a great way to avoid injuries to your teeth. To make sure that your mouth guard does its job and better protects your teeth, have your dentist custom-fit your mouth guard.
  2. Helmets: Helmets are imperative when it comes to playing sports that are high impact or high speed, such as hockey, football, biking, and skating. Make sure your helmet fits correctly and is customized to the sport. This will allow for the best protection.
  3. Cage: A face cage allows for full protection and guarantees you will not need stiches or dental work.
  4. Visor/Shield: A visor/shield does not offer as much protection as a cage, but it is better than not wearing a barrier to your face at all.
  5. Make sure that all of your protective gear fits perfectly and is comfortable for you.
  6. Go to a dentist or hospital as soon as you incur a dental injury. Consider it an emergency, as you would a serious bodily injury.
  7. Try not to touch the injured area! It may cause the injury to get worse and make it more difficult for the dentist to repair or recover the injured part of your mouth.
  8. In case of excessive bleeding, make sure you only use sterile gauze to avoid infection.
  9. Take precautions to avoid complications and recover as quickly as possible.
  10. Most importantly have fun but be safe! Prevention is the best option.

If you still happen to incur an orofacial injury, get to your dentist as soon as possible to help decrease the chances of permanent damage and maximize efficient recovery. At Devoted Family Dental, we provide emergency dental service and will help address your situation ASAP.


Back-to-School With the Perfect Smile

August 28, 2015

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 8:49 pm


The end of summer is soon approaching which means you’re probably busy getting your kids ready for school. New clothes and supplies will most likely make it to the top of the back to school checklist, but don’t forget to add a dental cleaning so your children are ready to take on the new school year with a smile. Preventative dental care is so important, especially for children and young adults. As a bonus, when you schedule a dentist appointment for your children by the end of August, they will be placed into a raffle to win a free backpack containing all the essential school supplies! This will help you check off a number of things on your back to school list. Why wait, the initial consultation is also free of charge! (more…)

Parents Guide: Keeping your children’s teeth healthy & strong

July 9, 2015

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 4:20 pm
We understand as a parent you want what’s best for your child! However, sometimes it is tough to judge how much dental care your child needs. You know you want to prevent cavities for your little one but knowing the best way to do so can be challenging. Here are some suggestions and tips to help!

How to Make The Dentist a Fun Experience for Kids

June 26, 2015

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 3:40 pm


Going to the dentist can be a scary and daunting experience for young children… even for some adults.  An unknown person with a mask on, strange shiny devices and power tools approaching your mouth isn’t the most inviting image. It’s understandable why kids have a fear of going to the oh-so dreaded dentist. This is why it is important to break the “scary” dentist stereotype and educate your children about how great and beneficial the dentist is, and get them excited for their next visit. Here are some tips and tricks for making the dentist a fun/painless experience for you and your children!

1)    Prepare

Before going to the dentist let your kids know what is going to happen. To help better prepare your kids for the experience you can play pretend dentist and walk through different scenarios.  In most cases, this will calm their nerves. When kids have no idea what is going on they can panic and tense up.


Photo Credit: makelessnoise

2)    Have some fun

A little fun goes a long way! There are a variety of things you can do to reinforce that going to the dentist will be a fun trip!

Dress up – let your kids dress up in their favorite superhero or princess costumes. Kids love dressing up as their favorite character for a day. You might be reluctant to let them wear costumes to school or run errands in them but if you allow them to wear them to the dentist office they’ll have something to look forward to.

Watch videos – If your child is drawn to a particular character on TV try to find videos that show that character caring about dental hygiene. If they see their favorite character doing something they are more likely to follow their lead.

Prize – Talk about how you’ll get a fun toothbrush/ toothpaste when going to the dentist.

Charts – Every time your child brushes their teeth correctly add a sticker to a chart. At the end of the week if they have brushed their teeth twice a day, every day treat them to a special outing or reward them in some way.


Photo Credit: Phillip Dean

3)    Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is key! If your children do an awesome job at the dentist and have no cavities reward them every once in a while. By rewarding good behavior, they will strive for this behavior every time they attend the dentist.  Some popular places kids love to go are:

Kidz Bounce – Kidz Bounce is a place with a variety of bounce houses, optical illusions, and slides.   They have several drop-in times where your children can play for an hour and a half for only 7 dollars. Your kids will be jumping off the walls with excitement!

Wilson Playfields in Kent and Lake Meridian- Take your kids to this park filled with fun activities. This park includes a nautical theme playground, picnic areas, a swimming beach, boat launch, and more. This park is great for a variety of ages. There is truly something for everyone to do.

Little Discoveries 

Little Discoveries is a place where your children can find out what sport they’re passionate about through class sampling. Kids from 4 to 7 will be able to try ice skating, gymnastic, taekwondo, and swimming classes to see what truly interest them before choosing a specific program. Little Discoveries isn’t only a fun place for children to play but a healthy activity for children to do.

Mike N Terry’s Outdoor Fun Park – offers an exciting variety of sports that include: mini-golf, go-karts and batting cages.

Chuck E Cheese’s – Chuck E Cheese’s has always been a favorite among kids. Filled with arcade games, slides, and pizza your children are guaranteed a great day.

Kent Bowl – If your children love to bowl take them to Kent Bowl. They will be able to bowl, play in the arcade and eat here!

bounce house 

4)    Lead by example

Show your kids that you floss and brush your teeth on a regular basis as well as reiterate that flossing and brushing are for big girls and boys too. You can make flossing and brushing more fun by getting musical toothbrushes or cool flossers. Also when it is time to take your child to the dentist never show that you are stressed or nervous about taking them. We know that it can be a little nerve-racking for some parents to take their children to the dentist especially the first time. Try to hide any emotions that are negative. Your children will pick up on this and it will higher their anxiety about going. You always want to make going to the dentist a positive, exciting visit, not a nervous, dreaded visit.

As you experiment with different ways to help your children see the dentist in a positive light, don’t forget to have fun yourself! Remember it doesn’t have to be a day filled with stress and anxiety. Try our tips above and before you know it your children might enjoy going to the dentist!





Natural Teeth Restoration

November 15, 2014

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — John Ludu @ 1:09 am

Teeth Restoration

We all know the importance of taking preventative measures to make sure we don’t cause damage to our teeth. These include small things like avoiding excessively acidic, sticky or gummy foods. The decline of oral health can come from tooth enamel demineralization. Have you ever noticed small, frosty-looking white spots on the surface of some teeth? That is a representation of enamel demineralization, often caused by excessive exposure to acid.

On the other end of the spectrum is the idea of teeth restoration. Just like we avoid things that cause harm, are there ways to restore health to our pearly whites if some damage has already been done?

The short answer is yes, teeth restoration is possible! With small lifestyle changes, you can improve your oral health and see tooth enamel restoration from minor erosion. Here are some easy things you can start doing today to see improvement:

1) Start By Being Mindful Of What You Are Drinking

Your oral health is hugely dependent on the fluids in your mouth. Acidic beverages, such as soft drinks, fruit drinks, coffee and tea, can erode teeth over time. To start seeing natural teeth restoration occur,  rinse your mouth out immediately after exposing your teeth to sweets and acidic drinks.

2) Remineralize Teeth Through Your Diet

When teeth are demineralized, their pores are larger and more susceptible to damage. Foods and beverages that are high in beneficial minerals will insure your tooth pores are minimized. When mineral-rich foods are introduced to your diet, your saliva, too, will be mineral-rich and facilitate tooth enamel restoration.

3) Use Remineralizing Gel and Fluoride Toothpaste

It is incredibly important to be mindful of dietary changes that encourage teeth restoration, but aiding in the process with remineralizing gel can also become a part of your daily oral health routine. You should consult your dentist before starting a new tooth regimen, but using fluoride toothpaste can make your teeth more resistant to acid and aid restoration of teeth.

The best tip will always be to prevent the damage before it is done, but we all know that life can make perfect habits difficult. Teeth restoration can be a tedious process, but making sure you are being mindful of your oral health is key to your overall well-being and adjusting small day to day habits can have huge long-term benefits. As always, make sure you schedule regular check-ups with your dentist. Furthermore, ask any questions you have when consulting with your dentist before making any major changes to your dental routine!

The Basics of a Dental Restoration

October 17, 2014

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — John Ludu @ 4:12 pm


A dental restoration is a broad term that refers to many different types of restorative dentistry procedures. While there are many reasons that dental restorations may be necessary, the procedure can be divided into two general categories: direct and indirect restorations. If any of your teeth require restoration, it is important to understand the differences between these procedures. Doing so will set proper expectations for before, during and after the restoration.

Direct Restorations procedures

Direct dental restoration refers to a technique in which a filling material is placed directly into the prepared tooth cavity. The biggest benefit of direct restorations is time. Because the materials used harden quickly, the procedure can be completed within a single office visit.  Another benefit in placing a direct restoration is that these types of restorations are typically far less invasive than indirect restoration.  There are several filling materials your dentist can choose to repair your tooth; typically an amalgam or composite substance.  The dentist will decide what material is best to repair a specific tooth based on the amount or size of the defect and location of the damaged tooth.

Indirect Restorations procedures

Indirect dental restorations most commonly refer to crowns, onlays, inlays, bridges and veneers. These types of restorations will require customized replacements made in a dental lab. After your tooth is prepared, your dentist will take an impression which is used to mold the replacement. Due to the lengthy process, you can expect more than one visit to your dentist before your tooth is fully restored. There are a variety of materials that are used to make these fitted restorative pieces. There are many options including gold, ceramic, and porcelain.

Why Get Restorative Dentistry?

Dental restoration is most commonly required when repairing damaged or decaying teeth. However, there are a handful of reasons why a person may seek out any one of these procedures.

Dental Pain

Dental restoration can be a great option for those who suffer from dental pain due to circumstances other than tooth decay. If you are experiencing dental pain, consult your dentist to determine the source and whether or not dental restoration is the appropriate solution.

Close Unattractive Spaces

While having large gaps between teeth won’t affect your health or wellbeing, it can be embarrassing. Restorative dentistry in most cases can be an excellent option for improving your smile and overall confidence.

Improve or Correct an Improper Bite

It may surprise you that improper bites are common among older generations due to natural wear.  Improper bites can make eating difficult. Restoration dentistry can help improve or correct improper bites.

Reduce Missing Teeth

Much like improper bites, missing teeth can make eating difficult and often results in low self-esteem. There are many restorative options for replacing missing teeth including dental bridges, dental crowns and, dentures.

Replace Old Dental Restorations

Many times old dental restorations can become damaged due to either outdated procedures or normal wear and tear.   If you are unhappy with the way an old restoration looks, replacing it with new one can be a great option.

Is dental restoration right for you? Visit us at for more information. Devoted Family Dental is Washington’s favorite family dentist!


Keep a Healthy Mouth this Halloween and Holiday Season

October 10, 2014

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — John Ludu @ 4:11 pm


Halloween is the start of the sugary season! We know you are going to indulge, and by all means, you should! Just remember, moderation is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy smile. Below are our suggestions to take into consideration for both you and your kids this Halloween and through the New Year.

Moderation is Key. Like we stated before, moderation is key. It won’t be the end all be all if you eat a few pieces of candy or other sugary treats, just make sure you don’t overdo it! Set a specific “sweet time” for children to help them fight the urge to indulge in sweets throughout the day. Don’t forget to follow up your sweet time with proper brushing and flossing!   During the holiday season, cut back on drinks with added sugar as much as possible. This will help off-set the increased consumption of sugar.

Stay Away from Sticky Candy. Sugar already sticks to teeth so it is best to not make matters worse by eating gooey or sticky candy. Sticky candy such as taffys, gummy bears, and carmel take longer to be washed away by your saliva, resulting in an increased risk for tooth decay. These types of treats are also known to pull off sealants or dislodge an already loose crown or filling!

Avoid Hard Candy. The longer sugar is in your mouth, the bigger your chances of tooth decay. Sucking on hard candy involves a prolonged exposure of sugar which greatly increases your chance of developing cavities.  Chewing on or biting into a hard candy can lead to cracked or broken teeth.  If hard candy is your thing, opt for sugar free versions and be careful not to break a tooth!

Chocolate is Best. Solid chocolate may be your best option when it comes to eating sweets. Chocolate is very soluble and has an easy time washing away with your saliva.  Make sure you avoid chocolate treats with carmel or other added stickiness.

Gum Can Curb Cravings. Sugar is addictive, so it can be hard to resist this season. Choosing sugar free, ADA approved gum will not only help curb your craving for sugar but can also help reduce tooth decay. Gum increases saliva flow and helps loosen wedged food. For best results, chew sugar free gum for 20 minutes after a meal.

Eat Candy with meals. The best time to indulge in some sugary goodness is with meals or shortly after. During this period, saliva production is high, helping to minimize the acids produced by the bacteria in your mouth.

Drink More Water. Water can help wash away sugar that is clinging to your teeth, helping reduce the chances of developing cavities. Encourage your kids to drink a large glass of water after consuming candy or sweets to rinse their teeth as much as possible if a toothbrush is not available.

Brush and Floss. While brushing and flossing are important every day of the year, it is especially important during the holiday season. Make sure you and your children are brushing and flossing at least twice a day or no more than 30 minutes after a sugary binge.

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