When it comes to gift-giving, graduating students are used to receiving everything from money and gift cards to extravagant trips and maybe even new cars. But have you considered if what might help them most is a healthier, more vibrant smile? If you want to give your child something that will benefit them personally and professionally, check out these four cosmetic dental services to help them smile more confidently.
Conceal Flaws with Porcelain Veneers
Instead of watching them avoid the camera because of the gap in their smile or stains on their teeth, give them the gift of porcelain veneers. As a permanent cosmetic solution that is designed to cover flaws of all kinds, they are custom-made to your child’s liking. The size, shape, and color will match their desired look, and the process can be completed in just two appointments.
With only a small bit of tooth enamel that must be removed, these restorations allow them to maintain a more vibrant appearance for a decade or more.
Hide Imperfections with Cosmetic Dental Bonding
If your child does not like the idea of having their teeth altered, there is the option to pursue cosmetic dental bonding. As a less invasive method of treatment, a dentist can use composite resin to hide imperfections.
Shaded to match existing tooth enamel, the resin is applied onto the tooth’s surface and sculpted to cover the flaw and improve the tooth’s aesthetics. As a result, your child will exude greater confidence when they look in the mirror. And the best part is that this treatment only requires one appointment.
Brighten Smiles with At-Home Teeth Whitening
Tooth stains can be embarrassing, so if you want to help your graduate have greater self-confidence, help them to start the process of at-home teeth whitening. When administered by a skilled cosmetic dentist, this system can enhance their smile by several shades in just two weeks.
Using customized trays and professional-grade whitening gel, grads will wear them according to the instructions provided by their dentist. In just 14 days, they can expect to see a whiter, brighter smile that will last months with proper care.
Create an Even Gumline with Gum Recontouring
If your student has complained for years about their “gummy smile,” help them to be free of it with gum recontouring. This process is a bit more invasive than others, but the results are permanent and truly transformational.
Using specialized equipment and instruments, a cosmetic dentist can easily remove excess tissue surrounding your child’s teeth, creating a more balanced gumline that looks and feels healthier. Not only will this process improve their appearance, but it will also minimize their risk for potential gum disease in the future.
Don’t assume that your graduating student wants the same as everyone else. Give them something that will help them to feel better about themselves so that they can take on what lies ahead with optimal confidence.
About the Practice
DuPont Family Dentistry has four dental professionals who are committed to offering safe and effective cosmetic treatments to patients of all ages. Whether it is your graduating senior who desires a boosted look or your spouse who simply wants to say goodbye to their tooth stains, we invite you to contact us at (253) 292-2504 to find out which options might be right for you.