The morning headaches, chronic fatigue, and sudden gasping for air in the middle of the night are officially taking their toll on your mind and body. Your inability to achieve adequate rest is affecting your work and relationships, but why? You suspect it might be sleep apnea, but what could be causing it? Identifying the root cause of your situation is not always easy and, in fact, it may not always be your fault either. If you are wondering, “Is sleep apnea genetic?” let a dental professional explain how this is possible and what can be done to help you get the rest you need.
Sleep Apnea and Genetics: What is the Connection?
Sleep apnea can develop for many reasons, but unlike smoking or excessive drinking, both of which are choices you make that can make it more difficult to achieve adequate rest, your genetics may be the reason you are not getting the sleep you need.
Some of the most common hereditary attributes that can result in sleep apnea include:
Depending on your family’s genetic makeup, your airway may be narrower or have additional tissue, both of which can increase your chances of experiencing difficulties while asleep. Does your father snore? What about your paternal grandfather or grandmother? If so, there is a strong likelihood that you will, too. Since snoring causes the airway to vibrate, if yours is already narrow or possesses too much tissue, you might find yourself struggling to achieve adequate rest.
If members of your family are overweight or obese, you are at a greater risk of obesity. As one of the leading factors associated with sleep apnea, having too much weight around your neck area, especially, can lead to a blocked airway and waking once or hundreds of times each night due to apnea.
If you suffer from nasal congestion brought on by allergies, this can interfere with your ability to achieve healthy sleep. Since dry mouth typically occurs due to mouth breathing, this can create a blockage in the airway, thus, causing sleep apnea. Allergies can occur as a result of various environmental factors but can also be hereditary.
How Can Sleep Apnea Be Treated?
Even if the reason you have sleep apnea is due to genetic factors, you can still receive treatment. After receiving a formal diagnosis, you and your dentist can discuss various methods to treat your apnea and its root cause. One of the most common and effective solutions used by dental professionals is oral appliance therapy.
Designed to look like a mouthguard, these oral devices fit comfortably within your mouth and are worn while you sleep. By moving your jaw slightly forward, it keeps your airway open and prevents any possible collapse throughout the night.
Do not let your genetics continue to dictate your well-being. If you are ready to start getting the sleep you need (and deserve), talk to your dentist about oral appliance therapy today.
About the Practice
Wondering why you are not getting ample sleep at night? Tired of feeling worn down and fatigued every day? At Dupont Family Dentistry, we are a family-owned and operated dental practice that uses individualized treatment to help you achieve a restful night’s sleep. Our doctors have been successfully treating patients suffering from sleep apnea in DuPont for years. Getting adequate rest is crucial to maintaining good overall health, which is why we offer customized oral appliances. To learn more about our methods and how we can help you, contact us at (253) 964-7000.