We all snore every once in a while. Snoring can happen when you have a cold or when you lie on your back. However, if snoring occurs nightly and is because of obstructive sleep apnea, then the problem could be more serious. Improper breathing is only one of the dangers of sleep apnea in DuPont. This is a medical condition that increases your risk for other health issues. Read on to learn what could happen if you do not treat sleep apnea.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can become worse if you have sleep apnea. Awakening during the night, even if you are not aware, stresses the body. As a consequence blood pressure levels can rise. In addition, the level of oxygen in your blood drops when you can not breathe, which exacerbates blood pressure problems.
Heart Disease
Unfortunately, people with obstructive sleep apnea are more likely to have heart attacks. High blood pressure, low oxygen and stress are all contributing factors. Similarly, strokes are also linked to sleep apnea.
Type 2 Diabetes
Did you know that 80 percent or more of people with sleep apnea also have type 2 diabetes? Although studies have not proven a cause-and-effect connection between sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes, researchers know that not getting enough sleep can prevent the body from properly using insulin, which can lead to diabetes.
Weight Gain
People who are overweight are more likely to have sleep apnea, and unfortunately the condition makes it more difficult to lose the extra pounds. There might not only be fatty deposits in your neck that block your airway at night, but sleep apnea can cause your body to release more of the hormone that makes you want to eat carbohydrates and sweets.
The good news is that treating sleep apnea will help you sleep, which will give you more energy for exercise and other activities. You will lose weight and help your sleep apnea!
Daytime Sleepiness and Car Accidents
When assessing the cause of car accidents, researchers have found that some are the result of drivers with sleep apnea. The lack of quality sleep can leave them drowsy at the wheel and, therefore, more likely to be involved in an accident.
With sleep apnea treatment in DuPont, you will be able to get a good night of sleep and possibly avoid these health problems. A simple oral appliance can be prescribed to help you breathe freely. Contact a dentist to schedule a consultation.
Say Hello to Dupont Family Dentistry
At Dupont Family Dentistry, our team works hard to provide all of the services our patients need to have a healthy mouth and a healthy body. If you suspect that you or another member of the family may have sleep apnea, make an appointment today with your dentist in DuPont.