It is summer, and who does not want to spend the weekends sleeping in and enjoying time just lounging in bed? Unfortunately, for some people, sleeping in is a foreign concept, especially if you wake up each morning feeling as if you did not sleep at all the night before. Why is this happening? It may be that you are suffering from sleep apnea in DuPont. This common sleep disorder affects millions of Americans, and oftentimes, many of the symptoms associated with it go undiagnosed for years. The good news is that you do not have to go one more day without restful sleep. Modern advancements in dentistry and sleep medicine have made it possible to offer patients various solutions to start getting the sleep they need.
Stay Active
During the summer, it is in your best interest to get outside and get active. The sun is out, which means there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, including swimming, jogging, playing frisbee, or just walking your dog. The more active you are throughout the day, the greater the chances you will rest better when you go to sleep at night.
Keep a Routine
It can be hard to stick to a normal bedtime routine during the summer, especially with all the events and fun family gatherings, but your body will thank you if you do. Better sleep happens when you get enough of it!
Make Your Bedroom Sleep-Ready
When preparing for bed, turn off the lights and set your thermostat to a cool temperature. You have sheets and a comforter or blanket for a reason, right? Use them by keeping your room cool and your body cozy. It is also better if you try to keep your room free from any clutter, so pick up your dirty clothes and those shoes that could cause you to trip when you wake in the morning.
Limit the Amount of Light in Your Bedroom
Anything that has a bright light attached to it can play tricks on your brain. Want to go to bed early or get a restful night of sleep? Avoid TV, laptops, cell phones, or tablets at least one hour before bed. This will help your brain to realize it is time to go to bed and that it is, in fact, nighttime.
Avoid Alcohol or Caffeine
Although some might say it is a myth, drinking caffeine before you go to bed can make it difficult to fall asleep. Alcohol can make it harder to achieve the deep sleep that we all crave so much. Instead of coffee or wine, opt for water before you go to bed.
Take a Shower
There is nothing worse than going to bed smelling bad. If you wear sunscreen during the day or sweat during your afternoon workout, make sure to take a shower before going to bed.
Forget the Pajamas
If you are having trouble trying to find the right kind of pajamas to wear in the summer, save yourself the money and opt for your birthday suit. Sleeping in the nude can help to regulate your body temperature. Better yet, if you are sleeping with a partner and are trying to get pregnant, you will be surprised to know that it can increase sperm count.
Embrace the Sunshine
You may like the results that blackout curtains provide, but when you are unable to see the sun as it shines through your window, it could knock your sleep routine out of rhythm. Sunshine is good for your body, as it can help you sleep better.
If you follow these simple tips, you will be well on your way to a restful night of sleep. If you are still having trouble getting the sleep you need, talk to your doctor as soon as possible to see about treatment options for sleep apnea.
About the Practice
Dupont Family Dentistry is family-owned and operated, and our doctors have been treating patients suffering from sleep apnea for years. Getting restful sleep is crucial to maintaining good overall health, which is why we offer customized oral appliances for patients who find it difficult to use a traditional CPAP machine. To find “a dentist near me,” or to learn how we can help you, contact us at (253) 964-7000.