If You Have Sleep Apnea in DuPont, Here Are 8 Ways to Get Rest

June 16, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 7:04 pm
a woman looking very tired with a pillow over her head

It is summer, and who does not want to spend the weekends sleeping in and enjoying time just lounging in bed? Unfortunately, for some people, sleeping in is a foreign concept, especially if you wake up each morning feeling as if you did not sleep at all the night before. Why is this happening? It may be that you are suffering from sleep apnea in DuPont. This common sleep disorder affects millions of Americans, and oftentimes, many of the symptoms associated with it go undiagnosed for years. The good news is that you do not have to go one more day without restful sleep. Modern advancements in dentistry and sleep medicine have made it possible to offer patients various solutions to start getting the sleep they need.


Find Out How Your Pregnancy and Oral Health in DuPont Are Connected

June 5, 2019

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — tntadmin @ 5:43 pm
a pregnant woman

Whether you just learned you are pregnant with your bundle of joy or you have been planning for their arrival for months now, you are well aware of the changes your body is going through during this time. From ankle swelling to indigestion, it is no wonder by the time nine months is up, you are ready for your little one to arrive. But it is not just your body that undergoes change, so do your teeth and gums. If you never realized how connected your pregnancy and oral health in DuPont really are, let us explain.
