Protecting Your Children’s Teeth during Sports

November 16, 2016

Filed under: Kids Dental — pts @ 11:29 pm

54707452_mAlthough it should be a priority, the safety of children’s teeth while they play sport is usually not the first thing that rings in a parent’s mind. From a straying softball, collisions, to an errant pass, several incidents can cause children dental injuries. Fortunately, you can protect your child’s teeth during sports by adopting the following tips:

Protective Mouth Wear

Mouth guards are an ideal way to prevent teeth, tongue, and lip injury. It’s crucial that the mouth guard suits your child’s mouth correctly. Since you don’t want it to fall off during the game, consult one of our offices for suitable suggestions on which protective mouth wear you should buy. We can also design a custom-fit mouth guard, which offers excellent protection than the ready-made ones. If you need a quick solution, buy a boil-and-bite guard at a local sports store. According to the product’s instructions, you need to boil it in water until the plastic has become softer. Your child can bite around it and shape it until it fits him/her.

Dental Health and Hygiene

Healthy teeth are less prone to injury or damage. Ensure your child maintains a good dental hygiene by brushing after every meal or twice a day. Keep up with regular flossing, and changing toothbrush after three months. Also, bring your child to the dentist at least twice a year. Seeing a dentist, particularly one that offers sport dentistry services, will not only prevent any dental issues from developing, but it will also fix the problem before it gets worse.


Headgears, particularly those with a faceguard are precious in protecting your child’s teeth. They are ideal for sports that demand high speed or present a risk of great effect on the face and head. Examples of such games include skating, football, baseball, riding a bike, or hockey. When teamed up with a mouth guard, they collectively offer extra protection for your child’s teeth and the entire head as a whole. Ensure that the helmet fits your child correctly and is appropriate for the game being played.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

To build healthy teeth, you need to avoid sugar treats. Limit sugary foods and soft drinks in your child’s diet since they stimulate tooth decay. Rather than soda and candy, give your child lots of vegetables and fruits. Remember, the healthier the teeth; the better protected they will be during sports.

Understanding the Rules

It’s essential that your child learn the basics and the safety precautions of sports. Although accidents can occur, it would be out of their control; a child who understands the game’s rules and can perform sufficiently within them can reduce the chances of injury.

In sum, parents want to see their kids succeed while at the same time protected. Since dental injuries are a common thing in the world of sports, it’s necessary to take precautions to protect your child’s teeth. After all, you wouldn’t want to witness a toothless teenager whose case would have been protected.

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