November 28, 2016

Filed under: Procedures — pts @ 4:00 pm

dental-benefitsAre you aware that 90 percent of dental insurance policies are founded on the calendar year? That usually means that benefits do not accumulate or carried over to the subsequent year; therefore, you must use the benefits by 31st December, or they are wasted.

Thus, as we kiss the year goodbye, don’t forget to take advantage of your valuable dental insurance benefits before they expire. Since you loyally paid your monthly insurance premiums all year long, you’ve already earned your dental benefits. That’s why, if you have been putting off the idea of visiting the dentist, here are a few reasons why you should make an appointment before the end of the year:

November 16, 2016

Filed under: Kids Dental — pts @ 11:29 pm

54707452_mAlthough it should be a priority, the safety of children’s teeth while they play sport is usually not the first thing that rings in a parent’s mind. From a straying softball, collisions, to an errant pass, several incidents can cause children dental injuries. Fortunately, you can protect your child’s teeth during sports by adopting the following tips:

November 9, 2016

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 9:05 pm

21329280 - closeup on hand holding bottle of mouthwashMost people turn to mouthwash whenever their breath requires a boost, it’s useful and convenient. Some use it to eliminate germs, some for medicinal purposes, while others simply for whitening teeth, or most commonly refreshing their breath. However, with numerous types of mouthwash available in the market today, there has been misunderstanding and confusion of whether to use the product or not. It’s important to note that while daily brushing and flossing are needed for the daily oral routine, adding mouthwash to the routine can be a big plus.


November 1, 2016

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — pts @ 10:36 pm

12781417 - young woman in pain is having toothacheTooth decay may be the primary cause of toothaches. However, there are other causes of aches that may be found by thorough oral examination. For instance, an infection such as gum disease may be the cause of toothaches. This article will examine some common causes of toothaches.
