Mouth Matters | Must Know Dental Facts for 2015

December 29, 2014

Filed under: Dental Cleaning — pts @ 2:12 pm
There are many things you need to know about your teeth that can help you perfect perfect dental hygiene. As the New Year approaches, it’s a good idea to brush up (pun intended) on those important dental facts. Make improving your dental hygiene a propriety this New Year. Like grandma always said, take care of your teeth! It’s the only pair you get!
Below is an excellent infographic to help you understand the importance of keeping a clean mouth.
Some of our favorite facts include:
“The estimated cost of one cavity over a lifetime is over $2,000.”
“If you don’t floss, you will miss cleaning 35% of your tooth surfaces.”
“Egyptians used a form of toothpaste made from a mixture of salt, mint and pepper over 5,000 years ago.”
Your Mouth Matters - Fun Dental Facts

The Cavity-Free Survival Guide to the Holidays

December 19, 2014

Filed under: Dental Cleaning — pts @ 3:24 pm

Cavity-Free Guide to the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season is in full force bringing lots of good times and good food. While most of the food and sweets probably taste amazing, your teeth definitely do not feel the same way about them. Because of the busy schedule during this time of the year, combined with the frequent consumption of sweets, the holidays can often take a major toll on your teeth. However, avoiding dental disaster during the holidays is not impossible! Here is a survival guide to help keep your mouth cavity free during the season!

Limit the Sugar Intake

Arguably the best part about the holiday season are all of the delicious sweets that are constantly tempting everyone. Due to the spirit of this time of year, avoiding these treats altogether might be close to impossible. If you can totally resist the temptation, more power to you. That is ultimately the best way to stay cavity-free. If you do not want to totally cut out these sweets because this time of the year only comes around once every twelve months, then simply reduce the amount that you eat. The less sugar intake that you have, the better off your teeth will be, and the more likely you will be able to end the holidays with no cavities!

Be Proactive

As we were saying, sometimes getting rid of the sugar intake altogether is not reasonably possible. If you are having a hard time reducing the amount of sugar you consume during this time of the year, then one way of counteracting this sugar is by being more proactive with your dental care. For example, if you have just ate of few treats loaded with sugar, once you are done you can brush your teeth even if it might be in the middle of the day. If you are not at home where your toothbrush is, another option of being proactive is to rinse your mouth out after eating. This will help to reduce some of the effects of the sugar on your teeth.

Follow Your Normal Regimen

While the sweets are generally the most harmful on your teeth during the holidays, they are not the only threat. Holiday parties and events often keep everyone busy. This can lead to getting home later than usual and throwing you off of your schedule, which can occasionally be reason to skip brushing and flossing. One of the most important things that you can do to remain cavity-free is to stay on schedule with your dental care. Learn more with our 10 easy ways to boost dental hygiene.


Keeping your teeth cavity-free during the holidays is not always the easiest task, but it is something to definitely pay attention to while you enjoy the special benefits that come with this time of the year. If you are wondering of other general ways to keep your teeth in the best condition possible, connect with us on Facebook or Twitter and we would love to help you out!