Dental Hygiene: Why is it Important?

September 19, 2014

Filed under: Dental Hygiene — John Ludu @ 9:02 pm

Dental Hygiene is important to health


Why is Dental Hygiene Important?

A surprisingly high percentage of Americans do not practice good dental hygiene habits. In 2013, it was reported that over 75% of the U.S. population has some form of periodontal gum disease. Periodontal disease is a result of prolonged gingivitis. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums which is caused by a buildup of plaque on the teeth.

It is extremely important to practice good dental hygiene in order to prevent periodontal disease. Periodontal disease causes bone and gums to pull away from the teeth, forming spaces called pockets. These pockets become infected due to bacteria and plaque spreading below the gum line. The combination of bacterial toxins along with the body’s response to infection causes your bone and the connective tissue to break down. If not treated, teeth will become unstable and could eventually become so loose that extraction may be required.

Aside from gingivitis and periodontal disease, poor dental hygiene will lead to cavities and tooth decay. Cavities can be painless at first, but when left untreated, they can lead to infections and exposure of the nerve which can result in significant pain. Furthermore, the internal structure of the tooth is likely to be destroyed and as mentioned above, could result in extraction.

There are many dental hygiene tools and products available on the market to help keep your mouth in tip-top shape. When shopping around for these products, it is a good idea to choose those that are approved by the ADA. These products will display the official ADA Seal of Acceptance. ADA approved products are not only the safest products, but also the most effective and will greatly help improve your dental hygiene.

Dental hygiene is also extremely important when it comes to children. Establishing a consistent dental routine at a young age will instill dental habits that are likely to follow them throughout their life. While baby teeth all eventually fall out and are replaced by permanent adult teeth, dental hygiene is still important. Infected baby teeth can cause damage to the growing teeth below the gums. If this happens, subsequent treatments will be required and can be painful and expensive. Help kids get excited about brushing their teeth with fun, ADA approved products. Some of these could include: fun flavored toothpaste and floss, toothbrushes that sport a favorite cartoon character and a fun toothbrush holder.

The most important part to dental hygiene is meeting the ADA recommendation of two dental cleanings a year. While toothbrushes and floss remove food from most areas in your mouth, there are still spaces that everyday dental tools fail to clean. Dentists know where these areas are and have special instruments that are designed to clean these places. The combination of two yearly cleaning appointments and a proper daily dental hygiene routine will effectively prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Visit us online today for more information about dental hygiene. Devoted Family Dental is Washington’s favorite family dentist!


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